How to Attract Renters to Your Home

How to Attract Renters to Your Home
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If you found yourself here, you are most likely a rental homeowner, or maybe you are starting to look at investing in properties. Whichever category you are in, we are so glad you are here. Rental homes offer so many different opportunities for people like yourself to make extra income.

All of the parts of owning a rental home can get a little confusing and can be overwhelming. One of the parts of the process that is very important is attracting renters to your home. It can be a little difficult to know exactly where to start, so we created this piece to help knowing where to start a lot easier.


Signage is a big part of attracting renters to your home. In a lot of cases, people looking for homes will just go out and drive around looking for listings. Placing signs around the neighborhood will not only grab peoples’ attention but also lead them towards your property. You should have signage around the neighborhood keying people into a fact that there is a listing nearby and you should have signage outside of the actual house.

Curb Appeal 

One important thing to consider when trying to attract renters to your home is curb appeal. If people are driving by your home, they most likely saw the signage you put up, which is awesome! Now your home has to keep a potential renters’ attention. This is where curb appeal comes in. Does your home look nice from the outside? Does it look well-kept? A few things you can do to make sure your investment has good curb appeal are to make sure the outside of the house is clean, that the lawn is taken care of, and that all things look tidy.


You can’t beat good old fashion networking. Networking can be simple, you can let people you know that your rental property is up and available. It can also be more complex. You can go to different networking events, go to tradeshows, and other events to get the word out there.


Don’t forget about listings! There are plenty of free and paid listing sites to put your rental property on. People use them a lot! It is an easy and convenient way for people to look for rental homes without spending a ton of their time. You can use sites like Zillow and Zumper.

Social Media 

Almost everyone is on social media now, which makes it a great place to list your home. You can take advantage of the different rental property listing sites. Just search for your neighborhood on the social platforms and you will find the pages. On Facebook, you can also take advantage of Facebook Marketplace which allows you to list your rental properties.

Property Management Companies 

Owning a rental property can feel like a lot, but thankfully property management companies can step in and take care of all of the details for you. Not only can they manage your actual property, which saves you a lot of time, but they can also make sure that the right renters are attracted to your home. Property management companies make filling your vacancy more efficient.

Looking to learn all things Oregon? Check out our blog where we go over fun activities and discuss tips for Oregon investment property owners.

Are you looking for a place to live in Oregon? Check out our available rental properties.
